Presented by: Rocio Carvajal Food anthropologist.
Episode 84
This refreshed version of the coffee special explores the origins of coffee and its journey from Eritrea modern-day Ethiopia, Africa into the Americas and how in a short time became a highly profitable crop. In the second part, we explore some aspects of the cultural history of coffee consumption in Mexico and the fascinating journey coffee makes from the fields to your morning cup.
You will discover what the so-called “speciality coffee is all about” and which are the “Oscars” in the coffee world.
So grab a large cup and press play!
Links mentioned in this episode:
interview 🎤with Historian Dr Edward Shawcross
“An overview of the Mexican coffee industry” by DRWakefied: https://tinyurl.com/2koxmok4
Expo cafe & gourmet: https://cafeygourmet.com/
Asociación Mexicana de Cafe https://amecafe.org.mx/
AMCCE (Asociación Mexicana de Cafés y Cafeterías de Especialidad) https://www.amcce.org/
Cumbre latinoamericana del cafe https://cumbrelatinoamericanadelcafe.com/
My fave coffees!
Bola de Oro https://boladeoro.com.mx/
Cafe Tosepan https://tosepan.org.mx/3-cafe.html
Cafe la brújula https://tinyurl.com/2n8ophmr
Get my books! shorturl.at/kuT34
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email: hello@passthechipotle.com
web: http//www.passthechipotle.com
Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/y9ot9a57
🎧 Check my other podcast: Hungry Books https://tinyurl.com/2lczdhbm