Pass the Chipotle is a podcast produced and presented by Rocio Carvajal food history writer, cook and author, this show will take you to discover the gastronomic treasures of Mexico with stories and interviews with cooks, authors and entrepreneurs. It will change the way you think about Mexican food, cooking and eating guaranteed!
Rocio uses great storytelling to build bridges of dialogue and understanding across cultures, which is why the show has something to offer to all audiences, whether you are new to traditional Mexican food, a consummated foodie or simply want to know more about one of the world’s most acclaimed cuisines, the traditions and stories big and small behind this fascinating heritage.
This show is the audible companion of my editorial work and together they offer a delicious and thought-provoking way to explore the breadth and depth of the Mexican cookbook.
Some of the great background tracks are kindly provided by Bensound.co
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From books to brewing 🎤 with Anthropologist and craft beer brewer Mario Macias.

Alcohol in the Age of Industry, Empire, and War 🎤 with Dr Deborah Toner

On savage shores how indigenous Americans discovered Europe 🎤with Dr Caroline Dodds Pennock.

A brief history of coffee in Mexico ☕

The Mexican Christmas menu 🎤with Mely Martinez.

Afromexico: the untold history of slavery in colonial Puebla 🎤with Dr. Pablo Sierra.

Interview with photographer, podcaster and author: Shava Cueva