Interview with photographer, podcaster and author: Shava Cueva
June 15, 2022rocio.carvajal.cortes@gmail.com
Presented by: Rocio Carvajal Food anthropologist, culture & gastronomy educator.
Episode 81
When Salvador packed his camera and got off to start a journey documenting traditional drinks of Mexico, he didnât know that his life was about to change forever. This adventure became the beginning of a transformative experience for him and the many lives he has touched.
In this candid, honest and rich conversation, we discuss his motivations, the creative and personal process behind the making of his book âBeverages of Oaxacaâ, social responsibility, the challenges of being a content creator, and he shares advice for those who want to pursue a similar path.
Get the book: https://bebidasdeoaxaca.com/
Contact Shava:
- Podcast: Bebidas de MĂŠxico https://tinyurl.com/28mttv34
- Instagram: Bebidas de MĂŠxico https://www.instagram.com/bebidasdemexico/ +
- Salvador Cueva https://www.instagram.com/shavacueva/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/shavaC
- Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/yxsu2btq
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bebidasdeoaxaca
- Email: info@bebidasdeoaxaca.com
Links mentioned on todays episode:
- Deep Mexico [Mexico Profundo] Reclaiming a Civilization by Guillermo Bonfil Batalla. https://amzn.to/3NJbUuR
- Rene Redzepiâs: A Work in Progress. https://amzn.to/3xqUnAP
- The Steal Like an Artist Journal: A Notebook for Creative Kleptomaniacs https://amzn.to/3tBopR7
- Recetario tradicional sudcaliforniano (free) https://tinyurl.com/ycjap4g2