As this rollercoaster of a year comes to an end, we have come to understand more than ever, the true meaning of taking care of each other. Against fear and uncertainty, we have turned to compassion and kindness. We have learnt to hug each other with our words and deeds, and to be a source of strength to those around us. Self-care practices are our new best friend, from yoga to healthy eating, meditation or learning new skills. There are many great ways to keep our minds and bodies balanced!
With that in mind, I decided to create a foodie’s dream Christmas wish-list with a Mexican touch, featuring over a hundred enticing books and films that have been carefully curated to inspire your feasts, take you deeper into the history of Mexico’s culinary traditions, travel to the wonderful world of Mexican art and architecture, and escape to marvellous literary worlds.
This catalogue also celebrates the talent, passion and craft of amazing entrepreneurs who champion Mexican food and creativity, from gourmet delicacies to art pieces that bring the warmth of Mexico to your home. Each of my partners offers exclusive discount promocodes included in each listing. All the proceeds will allow them to continue making their award-winning products and support their teams.So whether you treat yourself or make the foodie in your life happy, my wish is that this catalogue brings joy and inspiration to your life.
Light and love, Rocio.
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